With Believe Investment Group
Fixing & Flipping, Wholesaling, Buy & Hold, the ins and outs of Short-Term Rentals, & Subject to

Our exclusive hands-on training gives you a proven roadmap to success with multiple flows of income to help you better diversify.  In addition to unrestricted access to instructors and resources, you will receive actual in the field training. 

This course is designed to remove all the guesswork out of real estate investing. You will be armed with the knowledge and resources to take your business soaring to the top.


"It's really sad that I know so many people who have wasted $40,000 or $60,000 on training programs from California or New York. Here’s the thing: 50% of that information doesn't work here in Louisville or in this region. Some of these folks still haven’t bought their first house. Or... they've done one or two deals and still haven’t made their money back. It’s important to me that doesn’t happen to you. It’s the reason I've created this mentoring and training program."
Frank Miller,
Real Estate Investor & Previous President of Kentuckiana Real Estate Investor Association

Believe Investment Group Real Estate Investing Mentoring, Training, and Consulting
The most comprehensive hands-on real estate investing course. 
How to Analyze a Real Estate Deal
Discover what exit strategies are the most profitable, and understand definitions & terminology used when rehabbing.
Develop your Power Team
Learn how to qualify your potential contractors, you also gain access to our exclusive list of proven contractors.
Cash In Like The HGTV PRO'S
After the 90 day course, you will have your proven, personal Real Estate Investment six figures action plan.
Discover how to Start, Operate, and Profit from your Real Estate Investments. Live and Online!
Learn to apply new skills with ride alongs, in person classroom sessions, and online Q&A webinars. 

90 Day Course Breakdown
Your Quality of Life Improves When you Improve.
1 Ride Along per month
Ride Alongs are on Saturdays for 6 hours.  Boxed lunches will be provided. If you have a full-time job, these hours will work perfectly for you. We’ll be driving around town in a bus looking at vacant houses, knocking on doors of foreclosures. 

This is a daunting task for most new investors. That’s why we’re doing it! We’ll be there with you to help you learn the scripts, and show you the ropes of how to talk to people and how to negotiate. 
1 In-Class Training per month
In-Class Trainings are on Saturdays for 6 hours. 

Myself and other mentors will be there to lead you through each lesson to prepare you with the knowledge you’ll need to progress toward your goals. 

 2 Evening Webinars per month
Webinars are Tuesday evenings for 90 minutes. You can login from anywhere.  Basically, it’s an extended Q&A session. You’ll be able to ask questions, and continue networking within the group. 

You’ll pick up tons of ideas on these calls. We’ll also have investors on the calls from around the Region, that you’ll be able to learn from as well.

Believe It: Student Reviews
Discover what Believe Graduates have to say about their experience in Our Course
Highly recommend. Great experience with their courses. Helped me understand investment real estate. Highly recommend this group. Frank & Tommi really are great mentors & actually does the deals they teach you about.

Andrea D.
Excellent investment in my growth as a real estate investor. Frank Miller class checked all the boxes for what I needed to go on my real estate journey. Highly recommend for any level investor.

Robert R.

I took the Believe Investment Group class and feel like I learned so much. I really enjoyed the bus trips where we went out in the field and saw properties in all of their stages. Really great experience.

Michelle R.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It
Hear From Some Of Our Inner Circle Members
Your path to financial freedom... 
Summary of What You’ll Get...

Hands-on training for 90 days from October-January

 Everything you need to get deals done

Ride alongs (1 per month) in the field to get you over the fear of negotiating with sellers

In classroom sessions (1 per month) to polish your skills and knowledge

Online Q&A webinars (2 per month) to ask questions, generate ideas, and learn from real estate investors in other parts of the Region

Mentorship to quickly apply what you learn in today's market

Accountability and motivation to do deals quickly, with integrity, and big payoffs

Support and encouragement to start making some serious money

A fundamental step in your path to financial freedom
Still, Not Convinced This Is For You? 
Well listen to a few more of our satisfied students 
Letter From Frank
Are You Ready To Learn How To Make Six Figures?
After 20 years of real estate investing, I’ve learned how to make multiple six figures a year, while still making it home by 5:30 every night for dinner with my wife and kids. It’s the simple life with big payoffs. And, that’s the way it should be for you as well. So, if you’re looking for ways to exponentially increase your income and live your life to the fullest as a real estate investor, this course is for you. 

The reason I started this mentor training course is because I have more time on my hands now that my role as the President of the Kentuckiana Real Estate Investors Association wrapped up. You would not believe how many people came up to me during my two years in charge of the club to ask me if I’d create a course to help people get started, and to help teach investors how to massively improve their business. That's why I'm doing this. I also truly believe that the more you help others, the more successful you will be. 

I try to make it as easy as possible to make money in real estate. I do not like to work nonstop. I like to live. I like spending time on the beach and with my family among other things.  

I want to help you achieve Financial Freedom and get you one step closer to the freedom that you deserve.  Real Estate Investing is one of the best ways to retire from that 9 to 5.  Let me help you, and show you a different type of lifestyle that maybe you have been missing out on.

So if you would like to learn how to do real estate investing without burning out, to enjoy more freedom, and make six figures or more in the next 12 months, I encourage you to join now. 

Cheers to your happiness, health and wealth, 
What to know more about the Program?  Contact us today for a one-on-one call!

  Contact us at:

     Phone:  (502) 819-7400

Email:  believeinvestmentgroup@gmail.com

Results will vary. Making six figures or more in real estate is possible but not typical. It depends on you, the work you put in, and the deals you close. My course is designed to teach you to close deals. Your results will vary. No guarantees of any kind are being made in regards to how much money you can make. We'll show you the ropes. Your results are up to you. 
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